1. Gas transport system
Image: Gas transport system 2022
2. HQ
Image: Main HQ at Bygnes, Karmøy
3. Kårstø
Image: Anleggsbilder Kårstø
Image: Kårstø processing plant
4. Kollsnes
Image: Kollsnes processing plant
5. Control room
Image: Control room at Bygnes
6. Leader group
Image: Alfred Skår Hansen
Image: Alvin Hansen, Senior Vice President Safety, security and sustainability
Image: Kristin Kinn Kaste, Senior Vice President Asset Management
Image: Øystein Rossebø, Senior Vice President Business development and Projects
Image: Trine Lund, Manager Corporate Governance
Image: Frode Leversund, Chief executive officer
Image: Randi Viksund, Senior Vice President Staff and Business support
7. Receiving terminals
Image: Langeled Receiving Facilities
Image: Langeled Receiving Facilities
Image: Gassco receiving terminal Zeebrugge
Image: Gassco receiving terminal St. Fergus
Image: Gassco receiving terminal Easington
Image: Gassco receiving terminal Emden
8. Nyhamna
Image: Nyhamna processing plant
9. Press representatives
Communication leader Linda Nordbø
Image: Communication leader Linda Nordbø
Image: Randi Viksund, Senior Vice President Staff and Business support
Image: Marketing manager Anne-Sofie Hagland
Image: Communication leader Linda Nordbø
Image: Press spokesperson Pål Rasmussen