We move energy
so others can move forward
The combination of trust, collaboration, skills and knowledge is key. Our innovative efforts will help ensure a sustainable energy supply for the future.
Gas nominations
Real-time aggregated gas nominations to terminals in Europe. You will also find information about planned and unplanned events in the gas transport system.
Great Britain
Record delivery of natural gas through the gas transport system in 2024
2024 marked a record year for the export of Norwegian gas through the transportation system from the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) to Europe. The volume represents a significant energy supply for Europe, accounting for 30 percent of Europe’s natural gas imports and approximately nine percent of its total energy consumption.
A total of 117.6 billion cubic meters (BCM) of gas was transported from the NCS to Europe, equivalent to 1,295 terawatt hours (TWh) of energy. These figures reinforce Norway’s position as a key energy provider in the European market.
How it works
gas fields
Gassco receives gas from approximately 60 fields on the Norwegian continental shelf. The natural gas is extracted offshore and is first stabilized on the production platform by removing water vapor and easily condensable components. The gas is then transported through pipelines for processing if necessary.
processing plants
Once the gas is extracted from the fields, it often needs to be processsed. Gassco operates the processing facilities at Nyhamna, Kollsnes, Kårstø and Vestprosess. A processing plant cleans, dries, and compresses the gas before it is transported as dry gas through pipelines to Europe.
pipelines (km)
At the bottom of the North Sea lies the world’s largest fully integrated pipeline system for transport of natural gas.
Gassco is responsible as operator for transporting Norwegian gas to continental Europe and the UK through its network of pipelines. The total length of the pipeline network is 8600 kilometers, which is roughly the distance from Oslo to Bangkok.
Receiving terminals
Gassco operates six gas receiving terminals in Europe: St. Fergus and Easington in the United Kingdom, Dornum and Emden in Germany, and Zeebrugge and Dunkerque in Belgium and France respectively.
At the receiving terminals all residues of liquids and particles are removed before pressure and temperature adjustments. After measurement and quality control, the gas is ready for the market.
million people
The gas that arrives at the receiving terminals in Europe is transported and distributed to the market. Measured in energy quantity, Norway tarnsports enough gas to meet the annual needs of 800 million people*. Norwegian gas accounts for 30 percent of the EU’s gas imports and covers approximately 8 percent of the total energy consumption.
*Estimated average EU consumption, source: Eurostat.
Infrastructure for the future
In parallel with ensuring the journey of the gas from field to marked, Gassco also plans for the future. Our task is to look ahead and find new effective solutions. We will continue to look after the energy supply of today, while simultaneously prepare the infrastructure for the coming energy transition.
Europe needs Norwegian natural gas, and they should feel safe that they will get it. Today and in the future.
GER-NOR Joint feasibility study report – Hydrogen
The industry led joint hydrogen feasibility study commissioned by the German and Norwegian governments last year, facilitated and led by dena (Deutsche Energie-Agentur) and Gassco presents the overall results of their feasibility study performed earlier this year on a hydrogen value chain extending from Norway to Germany.
The primary objective of this study has been to assess the viability of a German-Norwegian hydrogen value chain, encompassing every step in the value chain, from potential hydrogen production in Norway to consumers in Germany, with a planned start up in 2030.
“The establishment of a hydrogen value chain for the transportation of large quantities of hydrogen from Norway to Germany is considered technically feasible if the assumptions listed in the report are met.” says CEO Frode Leversund.