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Management team

Gassco's management team is composed of leaders for the following areas:

portrett Frode Leversund

Frode Leversund

Chief executive officer

Frode Leversund, the president and CEO, has overall responsibility for all units in Gassco.

Trine Lund

Manager Corporate Governance

The unit is responsible for strategy, enterprise management including performance management, financial checks and balances, the management system, quality and monitoring.

Kristin Kinn Kaste

Senior Vice President Asset Management

The unit is responsible for operation and maintenance of the whole Norwegian gas transport system, comprising process plants, pipelines, platforms and terminals, and for taking care of the interface with the transport system’s owners.

portrett Randi Viksund

Randi Viksund

Senior Vice President Staff and Business support

The unit is responsible for areas of expertise within personell and business support, including HR, communication, finance, and IT.

Øystein H. Rossebø

Senior Vice President Business development and Projects

The unit is responsible for the development of the Norwegian gas transportation system, including the development of new value chains for the transportation of hydrogen and CO2 through existing and new infrastructure. The responsibility also includes identifying, developing, and executing studies and projects. The unit is also responsible for commercial agreements, negotiations, legal advice, and procurement, in addition to the company’s research and development portfolio (R&D).

Alfred Skår Hansen

Senior Vice President System Operation

The unit is responsible for planning, monitoring, coordinating, managing, and following up product flows from fields to markets. The unit administers transportation capacity for system users and is also responsible for coordinating maintenance on installations connected to the gas transportation system.

portrett Jens Eldøy

Jens Eldøy

Senior Vice President Safety, security and sustainability

The unit is responsible for subject areas within health, environment, safety, quality and sustainability. The unit is also responsible for monitoring compliance with laws, regulations, governing documents and procedures.