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18. Mar 2024 2 minutter

Enova allocates NOK 50 million to Gassco project

Morten Carlsen, leader early phase studies in Gassco (in the middle) with Jarle Søvik and Kristoffer Jensen Aardal, Equinor.

Kårstø is one of Europe's largest and most complex gas processing plants, and a very important contributor to European energy supply. Gassco is operator and is working on a carbon capture technology project to cut greenhouse gas emissions associated with operation of the plant. Today, this project was awarded NOK 50 million in support from Enova.

"The support is an important contribution to our work to reduce CO2 emissions from the Kårstø processing plant. The project targeted by the Enova support will use carbon capture, transport and storage to reduce the Kårstø plant's CO2 emissions by more than 20 per cent," says Morten Carlsen, head of early-phase studies in Gassco.

"We look forward to working together with the industry to find the best climate solutions, and this support is an important step towards national emission targets," says Morten Carlsen.

Enova today announced a total of NOK 200 million for "groundbreaking projects that can accelerate carbon capture as a climate solution". The money has been awarded to eight actors across nine projects, and Gassco's "Kårstø Membrane CO2 Removal Plant" project is one of these projects.

"We are pleased to be able to support Gassco's work to develop this exciting carbon capture project. Carbon capture technology will play a crucial role in the transition to a low-emission society, and this project is an important step in the right direction," says Nils Kristian Nakstad, CEO of Enova.