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Gassco – on TRACK

Our values are summarised in the acronym 'TRACK'.


Our approach to capacity allocation is characterised by openness, fairness and equality, and based on objective and transparent conditions. We collaborate with the industry and are transparent about our methods, goals, and strategy.


On behalf of our owners and stakeholders, we operate the infrastructure for Norwegian gas with care for the environment and communities around us. We abide by the regulations that govern us, respect the needs of society, and acknowledge the limitations of nature.


Ensuring the transportation of gas is crucial not only for the owners, but for Norway and Europe. We take our responsibility seriously, with a zero-tolerance approach to accidents and unwanted incidents.


We conduct analyses and provide recommendations for the development of gas infrastructure to continuously improve technology and opportunities. We have a responsibility to challenge the industries within our areas of expertise.


We take responsibility for acquiring more knowledge and developing our field of expertise both now and in the future. We share our knowledge with our stakeholders to develop an industry that serves people in the best possible way, together.