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1. Feb 2015 2 minutter

Annual report 2014

Maintain the long-term perspective

2014 proved to be a successful year for Gassco in terms of our operations and results. Despite the uncertainty and increasing growing pessimism in our industry, there is no reason to lose hope. Rather, let us firmly embrace the long-term development trajectory for the Norwegian continental shelf.

As operator of the gas transportation system, we delivered as promised in 2014. We had no serious personal injuries and only one critical inident, compared to four the previous year. The reliability was also high. Facilities like Kårstø achieved a production availability of 97.46 percent, well above the target for the year. Overall, we achieved a gas delivery availability in the transportation system of 99.92 percent for 2014. It will be challenging to improve much further. These excellent results are, of course, not achieved without a solid effort and important contributions from many, both within our organisation and among our partners.