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1. Feb 2020 2 minutter

Annual report 2019

Norwegian gas in changing times

Gassco ensures the energy supply to Europe. We do this in collaboration with and on behalf of many important stakeholders on the Norwegian continental shelf. Safety, reliability, and efficient operations are always our priorities, and safety always comes first.

It is pleasing to note that the majority of HSE indicators moved in the right direction in 2019. The absence of gas leaks is an important example of this. Yet again, we also achieved a successful year of delivering gas from the Norwegian continental shelf. We delivered approximately 107 billion standard cubic metres of natural gas from the Norwegian continental shelf to Europe. However, this is slightly less than in 2018. One of the reasons behind this decrease is the extensive maintenance work we conducted on the transportation network during the year. This maintenance work ensures the integrity and safety of our gas deliveries for the future.