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The processing plant at Kollsnes, northwest of Bergen, was commissioned in 1996 as part of the Troll development.

The capacity of the Kollsnes facility has been expanded several times since it became operational. Today, the processing plant at Kollsnes can handle up to 143 million standard cubic metres (MSm3) of gas and 69,000 barrels of condensate per day.

The expansion of the Kollsnes facility’s capacity is a result of substantial investments. In 2004, a new plant for the extraction of Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) was commissioned. In 2005, two new compressors were installed on the Troll A platform, and in 2006, the sixth export compressor was put into operation at Kollsnes.

The Kollsnes facility receives gas through piplelines from the Troll, Kvitebjørn, Visund, and Fram fields.


Operator: Gassco
Techincal Service Provider: Equinor
Production: Processes gas from Troll, Fram, Visund og Kvitebjørn
Production start: October 1996
Daily capacity: 144,5 million standard cubic metres (Sm3) gas and 9000 Sm3, or 57.000 barrels of condensate.
Pipelines: Statpipe, Zeepipe, Europipe, Norpipe, Langeled South and Franpipe.
Employees: 350
Area: 2000 acres

During the processing at Kollsnes, the gas is dried and compressed before transported to Europe through the pipeline systems of Statpipe, Zeepipe, Europipe I, and Franpipe.

Kollsnes is connected to the Mongstad oil refinery through Vestprocess via a condensate pipeline.

Additionally, a separate pipeline transports some gas to Naturgassparken Vest in Øygarden, where Gasnor processes and distributes gas for domestic use. Since 1999, the Kollsnes processing plant has been supplying gas through pipelines to Kollsnes Næringspark in Øygarden.

Download brochure about Kollsnes processing plant (pdf)

Download safety and preparedness brochure for the Kollsnes facility here (pdf, only available in Norwegian).
