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Belgium and France

Receiving terminals for Norwegian gas in Belgium and France.

Zeepipe Terminal JV

Zeepipe Terminal JV is a receiving terminal located in the Zeebrugge port area, around 5 kilometres from the landing site.

At the terminal, any liquid residue and solid particles are removed, and the gas is subjected to pressure and temperature regulation. Gas measurement and quality control are performed before the gas is sent on to the downstream transport operator.

The Zeepipe terminal also remotely controls the operational activities carried out at the receiving terminal in Dunkirk, France, the endpoint of the Franpipe pipeline.

About the joint venture

Zeepipe Terminal JV was established on September 7, 1988. The joint venture owns the receiving terminal for the Zeepipe system. The joint venture has no employees and work is organised through the ‘Management Committee’. Gassco is the operator for the joint venture and chairs the management committee.

Dunkerque Terminal DA

The receiving terminal is located in Dunkerque. Construction of the terminal was completed during the summer of 1998, and regular operation began October 1, 1998.

At the terminal, any liquid residue and solid particles are removed, and the gas is subjected to pressure and temperature regulation. Gas measurement and quality control are performed before the gas is sent on to the downstream transport operator.

The Dunkirk terminal is remotely controlled from the Zeepipe terminal in Belgium, located in Zeebrugge.

About the joint venture

The joint venture Dunkerque Terminal DA was established on February 9, 1995. The joint venture owns the receiving terminal for the Franpipe pipeline. The company as no employees and its work is managed through a ‘Management Committee’. Gassco is the operator of the joint venture and chairs the management committee.