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Capacity booking and reporting

The buying and selling of capacity in gas pipelines from the Norwegian continental shelf to Europe occur through the online platform known as Gassco Booking.

Gassco Booking System

In order to access the online services, the company you represent must be an authorized shipper. Authorized shippers are companies with a duly substantiated need to transport gas from the Norwegian continental shelf.

Gassco Booking System allows shippers to:

  • Book capacity in the primary market (Within Day, Short Term, Medium Term and Long Term).
  • Keep track of your bookings.
  • Buy and sell capacity in the secondary market.
  • Compare your nominations and bookings.
  • Stay informed about the capacity situation.
  • Rebook capacity when additional capacity becomes available.
  • All bookings made on Gassco Booking adhere to standardised agreements (Terms and conditions).


Gassco Reports (GREP) is an online service where authorised users can download reports. These reports cover various aspects, such as volumes transported throughout the transportation system and forecasts for shipment planning. Examples of users include shop captains and operators.

Distribute data via APIs

Gassco is developing Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that will make data related to Gassco Reports (GREP) available for authorized users via machine-to-machine communication. Authorized users mean todays users of GREP, such as shippers, participants and authorities as defined in applicable Terms and conditions.

Contact [email protected] for any questions.