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Environmental and social responsibility

The global climate challenges are a shared responsibility. Our industry is a part of the problem, but also a part of the solution.


As an operator of large processing plants for gas, we use the best technology available and strive to use it as efficiently as possible. Furthermore, we also take part in the international CO2 quota system.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an integral part of Gassco’s organizational structure, strategy, operational activities and ethical behavior in relation to the environment. The company’s ethical guidelines are in line with the UN’s Global Compact and the OECD’s guidelines for multinational companies. Gassco exercises its social responsibility through various ways, i.e. through support for teams and organizations in the region where the company has its head office, as well as in other local communities where there are business for which Gassco is an operator. Culture and sport are the company’s chosen areas for collaboration, where particular emphasis is placed on supporting activities and initiatives for children and youth.

During Gassco’s tender process it is clarified whether the supplier has established a separate policy and guidelines for CSR, and whether there have been any incidents at the supplier related to corruption, child labour, human rights violations, or violations of the employees’ professional rights. Information about this is obtained from the suppliers themselves, through internet searches and from Achilles. Any incidents that are discovered will result in consequences for the supplier’s participation in the tender process.