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Low Carbon Value Chains​

The complex interplay between energy sources and infrastructure is crucial for meeting future energy needs in a sustainable manner. By utilizing the various resources in a holistic way, we can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create a more robust and flexible energy system.

Holistic system development in context to the total energy system is important to maintain the competitiveness of the gas infrastructure, maximise the value of the resources on the NCS and utilise the potential benefits from alternative use. The Norwegian energy reserves, natural gas, hydro power and wind, along with the CO2 storage potential on NCS, are essential to decarbonise the European energy system. Developing blue hydrogen can build a bridge and balance daily and seasonal swing through market development of green hydrogen. Access to electric power will be essential for electrification of the NCS, onshore process plants and production of both blue and green hydrogen. ​

As architect (ref. Meld. St. 11 (2021–2022)) Gassco has a leading role in the German – Norwegian clean energy cooperation, including hydrogen- and CO2- transport feasibility study.​

Low Carbon Initiatives

Gassco are involved in the following initiatives related to Low Carbon Value Chains 

In January 2022, discussions were initiated between Germany and Norway to strengthen and further develop the countries’ 40-year-long energy cooperation.

The work is mainly focused on the energy transformation, and the countries agreed to carry out a joint feasibility study of large-scale hydrogen production in Norway, and transport and distribution to consumers in Germany (refer to the model above).

Gassco were asked to lead the Norwegian part of this joint feasibility study, together with our German cooperation partner DENA. The purpose of the study has been to verify whether a hydrogen value chain from Norway to Germany is feasible both technically and commercially.

The premise for the feasibility study is that the work is carried out by industry for industry, based on real projects in all parts of the value chain. The deliveries from this work will form a basis for decision-making for any further maturation of the hydrogen value chain.

The work is based on a potential start-up in 2030.

  • Joint Feasibility Study repport
  • H2T-project
  • CO2T project


Gassco has been working with the hydrogen value chain for several years, through research and development. The R&D program New Value Chains covers pipeline transport of hydrogen from Norway to Europe, both through existing and new pipelines, technology development, and knowledge building throughout the value chain. The program supports, among other things, several research centres for environmentally friendly energy (FME) within hydrogen.

In the parliamentary report Meld. St. 11 (2021–2022), Gassco’s mandate was expanded to include the architectural function for future hydrogen infrastructure for large-scale export to Europe.

Gassco is working with Hydrogen transport from Norway to Germany in the H2T project, as part of the German-Norwegian Energy Cooperation.